ATM Lighting

ATM Lighting Surveys

Light Surveys

When a crime takes place at an ATM, the financial institution can be held liable due to poor lighting or lack of compliance with local laws. To help protect from possible fines and lawsuits, Dynamic ATM Services can provide you with scheduled test surveys, making certain your locations are well lit and within code, giving you peace of mind.

Dynamic ATM Services is an unbiased light testing source. Because we do not sell or repair lighting fixtures, we can assure impartial and accurate reports and analysis.

Crime Reports

In addition to our lighting and compliance surveys, we offer local crime reports. Our reports highlight and specify the crimes committed in the vicinity of your financial institution and pinpoint where the crimes occurred.

Research by the University of Albany:

  • Most ATM robberies occur between midnight and 4 a.m.
  • Robberies occur more often at walk-up ATMs than drive-up ATMs
  • The majority of robberies are committed by a lone offender with a weapon.

Our detailed reports include completed survey forms with light measurement readings, site photographs and maps.

Partners in Safety

ATM operators are responsible for providing safety to their clients at ATM's and surrounding areas. Many states enforce laws which require meeting minimum lighting standards, monitoring landscape and removing obstructions.

Dynamic ATM Services can arrange a Lighting Certification at the interval you determine. The following services and documentation are included:

  • Nighttime visits to the ATM site to record light measurements.
  • Detailed measurement results and pass or fail status noted.
  • Digital photographs of the ATM and surrounding areas.

Dynamic ATM Services can assist you with all aspects of code compliance, demonstrating your due diligence in providing safety to your valued customers.



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